Let your light shine so brightly that others can see their way out of the dark – Katrina Mayer
Every year I have a word that captures my intent for the year. It serves as a reminder. An intention if you like of what I am working on for that year. It gives me something to check in with as I go along throughout the year. And when I’m feeling a little lost I ask myself if what I am doing is in line with my intention and it helps me to find my compass. This year my word is LIGHT. This word is on my vision board and ignites my focus to stay on track, it has energy and meaning and keeps the fire of determination burning. I find this works better for me than setting a new year’s resolution. For me, the vision is shining my light, influencing, teaching and inspiring others and building networks. Yes, there will be stumbling blocks and barriers along the way. And I will lean into every one of them, using the opportunity to learn and grow. Standing in, and shining my light where ever I am. So what does a year of light look like? I am so passionate about helping others to work well and live well, teaching them the tools to be more resilient and mentally fitter. I will be shining my light in this space through an Appreciative Inquiry to improve the redundancy process for employees and employers, I will shine my light to find ways to help people have a better experience through an often necessary process. Watch this space – More to come. I am looking forward to shining my light at the World Congress of Positive Psychology in July and sharing about introducing mindfulness to the workplace. In 2018, some adversities encouraged me look at my life and think about how I would like to be remembered when my time comes. I will shine my light in a way that is truly me. Colourful, happy and gritty. I will use my light to learn more, do more, get uncomfortable, be braver, and be bolder. You are going to know my light! What is your word for 2019? Wishing you wellbeing Leanne
It was supposed to be my year of health, my year of getting back on track. By this time of the year, I was to be significantly fitter and slimmer.
I didn’t foresee the crazy rollercoaster ride that had other plans for me. It all started in the second week of the new year, a phone call I received at work that I will never forget. It was my sister preparing me for the news that my father had been in a serious accident. I remember very clearly how my mind went into overdrive, catastrophising, unsure of what to expect. Once the initial shock had subsided, I, along with my brother and sister, stepped into caretaker mode. I was at the hospital before and after work, catching doctors on their rounds and ensuring everything was understood and clear for my parents. I think as the eldest there is a self-imposed expectation on oneself to take care of everything and everyone. It was an incredibly tiring and concerning time and after a few months when dad came home there were trips to rehab and check-ups. It was a time where I stepped up to the uncertainty and met it face to face finding solutions and work arounds and looking after the ones I would normally turn to in uncertain times. As life began to return to some sort of normality, my Husbands dad, passed away after a lengthy illness. I find the loss of a loved one forces you to evaluate life and coupled with the previous adversity, this is what I found myself doing. In April, I found my health coach Camille and we worked together on a strategy to move forward with my health. It had been my mission from the beginning of the year to improve my weight and fitness. Finally, I was feeling like I was beginning to focus on me, to date, I’ve lost about 10kg, I wanted it to be much more than that by now. Camille was the understanding and non-judgemental ear that reminded me that the small steps I was making were a step in the right direction. When I achieved my goals like regularly practicing my yoga and eating healthy, she has been full of encouragement and when things haven’t gone so well she has been full of support and understanding. I look forward to our conversations to update her on my progresses or downfalls. In May I became redundant, it was an incredibly stressful experience and ever the optimist, I was still trying to be there for my parents and now needing to find my way through the forest of uncertainty, honestly, it was a real challenge. As difficult as this time was it was a great gift. An opportunity to stretch outside of my comfort zone and grow. I have built networks, studied, had amazing opportunity and learned in ways I would otherwise not have. What I learned from all of this was the biggest gift of all.
I am most grateful for those closest to me. For the incredible people who have mentored and provided guidance and the new people who have come into my life. For the lessons, challenges and experiences that have come my way. All of this has helped me to grow, to open up to new experiences and opportunities. My mentor said to me in May that how I saw things then would be different to how I see them down the track and they were right and I am grateful for that advise as it reminds me not to be too rigid in my focus, but to allow for new paths and experiences as I travel down this road. It also gives me a sense of courage to take a road less travelled. This year has reaffirmed for me that things don’t always go to plan and this is ok, there is a lot to learn when things don’t go the way we plan. 2019 will be my year of light – my opportunity to shine my light, to grow further and to help others and I am ready………. Wishing you well Leanne. Neuroscience has found that there are over 11 million pieces of information hitting our brains per second but we only process about 40 bits per second. That leaves room for our thoughts to become distorted. Can you identify with this? Tune into your self-talk. Make peace with your self-doubt and challenge negative thoughts. Consider what you can learn from your challenges and adversities and what opportunity might come from them. How can you view them in a more positive way? Notice how you feel when you view things in a more optimistic way? In challenging times, mindfully consider your response, consider the situation with compassion for yourself and others. A good strategy to work with a busy mind is to;
This provides an opportunity to assess our thoughts and choose our actions and what we say to ourselves and others next. As we find ourselves at the busy end of the year introduce this strategy to your toolkit to better manage your thoughts. Your wellbeing will thank you for it. “Respond; don’t react. Listen; don’t talk. Think; don’t assume.” ~Raji Lukkoor Wishing You Wellbeing Leanne |
December 2020
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